Tuesday, 1 April 2008

And now a Fosse Septique!

As noted in the last posting the contractor putting in the septic tank was due to start in mid-March and indeed it can now be seen that he actually did do so. Another e-mail from Jean-Claude with pictures shows further progress demonstrated above. It appears that the work on the fosse is finished, including the filter bed in our field, together with the pipe-work under the road. Connexions still have to be completed but it does seem that it will be possible to install a bathroom pretty soon which will make staying in the house a pleasanter prospect.

The other thing to note in the pictures is that six windows have also been installed at the front. Together with the completed roof this means that the house is rapidly becoming weatherproof which will encourage the drying-out process.

Much to look forward to on a return to the house then!

1 comment:

Geoffrey Ferret Abbott said...

It's looking good Ned - must be great to be free of leaks. will phone you soon.
Best wishes